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Add a Genesis Authorbox Anywhere Using My Genesis Authorbox Shortcode

As I am slowly developing a new plugin, Genesis Simple Authorbox, I realized that I should just release parts to the community that I believe would be beneficial. Follow these simple steps to incorporate the Authorbox Shortcode.

  1. Download the Genesis Simple Authorbox Shortcode: [download id="6"]
  2. Upload it to your Child Theme folder
  3. Add the following PHP Code to your functions.php file:
    [php]require_once( CHILD_DIR.'/genesis-author-box-shortcode.php' );[/php]

Now you can use [genauthorbox] to produce the Genesis Authorbox anywhere you'd like. This is also perfect for Genesis Child Theme developers using do_shortcode().


[genauthorbox] takes a few attributes. They are:


[genauthorbox title="About Mr. Starbucks" Description="I am a hopeless Starbucks addict, freelance web designer..." gsize=72 galt="not me" gemail=""]