Nathan Rice wrote a simple but excellent plugin called the Social Profiles Widget. I love the simplicity and only wanted to add one feature, the ability to quickly add my own icons by dumping a folder with the other social profiles folders. So this required changing the code. Because I have not received permission from Nathan Rice to update and contribute to his plugin, I'll share it here. Download: [download id="4"]
Plugin Name: Social Profiles Widget
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin/widget allows you to insert social profile icons into your sidebar via a widget.
Version: 1.1.1
Author: Nathan Rice
Author URI:
This plugin is released under the GPLv2 license. The images packaged with this plugin are the property of
their respective owners, and do not, necessarily, inherit the GPLv2 license.
Slightly modified by Travis Smith,, to allow for additional icon folders to be uploaded. Simply upload custom folder to the images folder. Be sure to name your icons [SOCIAL]_32x32.* and [SOCIAL]_48x48.* [SOCIAL]=Delicious, Digg, Facebook, Feed, Flickr, Linkedin, Myspace, Stumbleupon, Twitter (e.g., Twitter_32x32.png)
* Register the Widget
add_action('widgets_init', 'social_profiles_widget_register');
function social_profiles_widget_register() {
* The Widget Class
if ( !class_exists('Social_Profiles_Widget') ) {
class Social_Profiles_Widget extends WP_Widget {
function Social_Profiles_Widget() {
$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'social-profiles', 'description' => __('Displays Social Profile links as icons', 'spw') );
$this->WP_Widget( 'socialprofiles', __('Social Profiles', 'spw'), $widget_ops );
var $plugin_imgs_url;
function spw_fields_array( $instance = array() ) {
$this->plugins_imgs_url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'images/';
return array(
'feedburner' => array(
'title' => __('RSS/Feedburner URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Feed_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Feed_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('RSS', 'spw')
'twitter' => array(
'title' => __('Twitter URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Twitter_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Twitter_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Twitter', 'spw')
'facebook' => array(
'title' => __('Facebook URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Facebook_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Facebook_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Facebook', 'spw')
'linkedin' => array(
'title' => __('Linkedin URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Linkedin_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Linkedin_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Linkedin', 'spw')
'youtube' => array(
'title' => __('YouTube URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Youtube_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Youtube_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Youtube', 'spw')
'flickr' => array(
'title' => __('Flickr URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Flickr_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Flickr_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Flickr', 'spw')
'delicious' => array(
'title' => __('Delicious URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Delicious_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Delicious_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Delicious', 'spw')
'stumbleupon' => array(
'title' => __('StumbleUpon URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Stumbleupon_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Stumbleupon_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('StumbleUpon', 'spw')
'digg' => array(
'title' => __('Digg URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Digg_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Digg_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('Digg', 'spw')
'myspace' => array(
'title' => __('MySpace URL', 'spw'),
'img' => sprintf( '%s/Myspace_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), esc_attr( $instance['size'] ) ),
'img_widget' => sprintf( '%s/Myspace_%s.png', $this->plugins_imgs_url . esc_attr( $instance['icon_set'] ), '48x48' ),
'img_title' => __('MySpace', 'spw')
function widget($args, $instance) {
$instance = wp_parse_args($instance, array(
'title' => '',
'icon_set' => 'default',
'size' => '48x48'
) );
echo $before_widget;
if ( !empty( $instance['title'] ) )
echo $before_title . $instance['title'] . $after_title;
foreach ( $this->spw_fields_array( $instance ) as $key => $data ) {
if ( !empty ( $instance[$key] ) ) {
printf( '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></a>', esc_url( $instance[$key] ), esc_url( $data['img'] ), esc_attr( $data['img_title'] ) );
echo $after_widget;
function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
return $new_instance;
function dir_list($d){
foreach(array_diff(scandir($d),array('.','..')) as $f) {
if(is_dir($d.'/'.$f)) {
return $l;
function form($instance) {
$dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/social-profiles-widget/images';
$imagefolders = $this->dir_list($dir);
$instance = wp_parse_args($instance, array(
'title' => '',
'icon_set' => 'default',
'size' => '48x48'
) );
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>"><?php _e('Title', 'spw'); ?>:</label><br />
<input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?>" value="<?php echo $instance['title']; ?>" style="width:95%;" />
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('icon_set'); ?>"><?php _e('Icon Set', 'spw'); ?>:</label>
<select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('icon_set'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('icon_set'); ?>">
foreach ($imagefolders as $key => $folder) :
<option style="padding-right:10px;" value="<?php echo $folder; ?>" <?php selected($folder, $instance['icon_set']); ?>><?php _e($folder, 'spw'); ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('size'); ?>"><?php _e('Icon Size', 'spw'); ?>:</label>
<select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('size'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('size'); ?>">
<option style="padding-right:10px;" value="32x32" <?php selected('32x32', $instance['size']); ?>><?php _e('Small', 'spw'); ?> (32px)</option>
<option style="padding-right:10px;" value="48x48" <?php selected('48x48', $instance['size']); ?>><?php _e('Large', 'spw'); ?> (48px)</option>
<p><?php _e('Enter the URL(s) for your various social profiles below. If you leave a profile URL field blank, it will not be used.', 'spw'); ?></p>
foreach ( $this->spw_fields_array( $instance ) as $key => $data ) {
echo '<p>';
printf( '<img style="float: left; margin-right: 3px;" src="%s" title="%s" />', $data['img_widget'], $data['img_title'] );
printf( '<label for="%s"> %s:</label>', esc_attr( $this->get_field_id($key) ), esc_attr( $data['title'] ) );
printf( '<input id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" style="%s" />', esc_attr( $this->get_field_id($key) ), esc_attr( $this->get_field_name($key) ), esc_url( $instance[$key] ), 'width:65%;' );
echo '</p>' . "n";
Hi Travis
I’m using Nathan’s plugin at the moment and want to add the Pinterest icon.
When I found your post I thought brilliant!… but no Pinterest icon.
Any chance you could add it?
Pretty please.