Now, if you want to add Genesis functionality, that is, Genesis SEO, Layouts, & Sidebars, to existing custom post types (that you may have registered via another plugin), then you need the following.
add_action( 'init', 'wps_add_post_type_support' );
* Add Genesis custom support for registered post types
* Add Genesis SEO/Layout support to CPTs (if not registered with them)
* @uses add_post_type_support() Registers support of certain features for a given post_type
* @link
function wps_add_post_type_support() {
// Uncomment below as appropriate
//add_post_type_support( 'post_type', 'genesis-seo' );
//add_post_type_support( 'post_type', 'genesis-layouts' );
//add_post_type_support( 'post_type', 'genesis-simple-sidebars' );
To add the above to multiple post types:
add_action( 'init', 'wps_add_post_type_support' );
* Add Genesis custom support for registered post types
* Add Genesis SEO/Layout support to CPTs (if not registered with them)
* @uses add_post_type_support() Registers support of certain features for a given post_type
* @link
function wps_add_post_type_support() {
$pts = array( 'post_type1', 'post_type2' );
foreach( $pts as $pt ) {
// Uncomment below as appropriate
//add_post_type_support( $pt, 'genesis-seo' );
//add_post_type_support( $pt, 'genesis-layouts' );
//add_post_type_support( $pt, 'genesis-simple-sidebars' );
Thanks for bringing this to our collective attention. Extremely helpful, especially as we have been integrating plug-ins that use custom posts in our Genesis sites.
Travis, thanks for the post. Even WordPress’ site says there’s support for an array in add_post_type_support yet they provide no example. Since I use Genesis anyway, I’m going to use your multiple post types code. Appreciated!
Travis – thanks this is very helpful. Good Stuff for plugins – Very useful.
Much appreciated!
Marion :)>
Yo Travis thanks for the informative post. Helped me get a few things I didn’t quite get before.
Take care and best wishes :)>>