Recently, I needed to get all users of a certain role to modify a Comments Widget to remove those. Since WordPress 3.1, WordPress has made this quite easy to do now.
function wps_get_users_of_role( $role ) {
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Query( array( 'role' => $role ) );
return $wp_user_search->get_results();
This will give you an array that contains the following in an object:
[php]<pre>stdClass Object
[ID] => 1
[user_login] => username
[user_pass] => serialized PASSWORD
[user_nicename] => mynicename
[user_email] => [email protected]
[user_url] =>
[user_registered] => GMT Time Stamp
[user_activation_key] => Something funky!
[user_status] => 0
[display_name] => My Display Name
You can even set a predefined array and get only necessary information.
$args = array();
$args[0] = 'user_login';
$args[1] = 'user_nicename';
$args[2] = 'user_email';
$args[3] = 'user_url';
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Query( array( 'role' => 'editor', 'fields' => $args ) );
$editors = $wp_user_search->get_results();
Here's the result:
[php]<pre>stdClass Object
[user_login] => wpsmith
[user_nicename] => wpsmith
[user_email] => [email protected]
[user_url] =>
Hi it’s nice u have such solution but for me it shows only 50 resutl and i have over 100 users on site with secyfic role how to show more then 50 rows?
Hello Kaito,
You will need to append the code with the following:
$editors->set_pagination_args( array(
‘total_items’ => $editors->get_total(),
‘per_page’ => 100,
) );
I have lithel diverend
function s8_wpcfs_get_users_with_role($role)
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Search($usersearch, $userspage, $role );
return $wp_user_search->get_results();
and than i use
$editors = s8_wpcfs_get_users_with_role(‘file_sharer’);
if ($editors)
{echo ‘<table class="s8-wpcfs-table">’;
foreach($editors as $editor )
$s8_wpcfs_main_page_id = get_option(‘WP_Client_File_Share’);
$user_info = get_userdata($editor);
$user_page_title = $user_info->user_login . ‘ prywatna strona Upload’;
$page = get_page_by_title($user_page_title);
echo ‘<tr>’;
echo ‘<td>Pliki wysłane przez <strong>’ . $user_info->user_login . ‘</strong> – </td>’;
echo ‘<td><a href="’ . $page->guid . ‘">zobacz wysłane pliki</a></td>’;
echo ‘<td><a href="mailto:’ . $user_info->user_email . ‘">Wyślij maila na ‘ . $user_info->user_email . ‘</td>’;
echo ‘</tr>’;
echo ‘</table>’;
and this set me up with 50 rows…
Ok sory for spamming it was missing
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Query( array( ‘role’ => ‘file_sharer’, ‘fields’ => $user_info ) );
$editors = $wp_user_search->get_results();