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How I Created My Genesis Site

Today I want to introduce a series where I am going to walk through how I created my site. Over this series, I am going to walk through my setup, my development processes, my theme code modifications and enhancements, and my plugins I created or used to make my Genesis website.

Setup & Technologies Utilized

In the development of my site, I used the following technologies and processes:

  1. Preferred IDE: PHPStorm
  2. Version Control: Git (Git for Windows)
  3. DevOps/Automation: Node, Bower & Grunt (though I could have easily used Gulp)
  4. DevOps/Automation: SASS (CSS pre-processing)
  5. DevOps/Automation: MySQL Workbench & DB Syncing
  6. Local Development Environment: Varying Vagrant Vagrants
  7. Hosting: WP Engine for Staging & Production via Git Deploy

Do not let this list overwhelm or intimidate you! For Node, Grunt, Bower, SASS, and MySQL Workbench, these are things all developers can learn if they want, and I am going to give you an easy way to get up and running fairly quickly.


My site is built on the Genesis Framework. Typically I start with my own vanilla child theme to create a website so to make sure I have no unnecessary overhead and bloat. This time, I started with Altitude Child Theme but did some work under the hood to extend its features. These customizations include:


My site features a small list of plugins, namely:

Please let me know if you have noticed anything that I missed!