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Remove or Replace “Blog Comments Powered by DISQUS”

This line of code that you are wanting to hide is:
[html]<a href="" class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>[/html]

There are two ways to hide this: CSS & php. In CSS, just go to your DISQUS CSS file located in COMMENTS > DISQUS > SETTINGS > APPEARANCE and add
[html].dsq-brlink {display:none;}
.logo-disqus {display:none;}[/html]

Or, if you wish to edit the file in WordPress, which is typically not advisable, especially if you do not have access via FTP to your files as a change may render your site inoperable. So with that caution,  go under Plugins and select Editor. Where it says, "Select what plugin to edit," you want to select Disqus Comment System. Then click Select. Then you want to select the disqus-comment-system/comments.php file on the right side, which should be located at the bottom. If you do this through a FTP and you are using a folder system (where each plugin is located in its own folder), simply navigate to your plugins directory, typically /yourdomainrootfolder/wp-content/plugins/disqus-comment-system/comments.php is the file that you want to get.

At line 30 you will find:

[html] <a href="">blog comments powered by <span>Disqus</span></a> [/html]

Simply delete the entire line, or write whatever you'd like to write there.