Here's how to add the Secondary Navigation to certain pages with the various Genesis options including Fancy Dropdowns, depth, and order. Add this to your functions.php file.
//just in case: ensures subnav on Genesis Theme Settings is set to true/checked.
if (!$genset['subnav']) {
//Remove Subnav
remove_action('genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_subnav');
function my_custom_subnav () {
$genset['subnav_superfish'] = 1; //1 = Enable Fancy Dropdowns, 0 = Disable
$genset['subnav_home'] = 0; //1 = Display home, 0 = Disable
$genset['subnav_type'] = 'categories'; // pages = List of Pages, categories = List of Categories, nav-menu = Custom Nav Menu
$genset['subnav_pages_sort'] = menu_order; // menu_order = Menu Order, post_title = Title, ID = ID, post_date = Date Created, post_modified = Date Modified, post_author = Author, post_name = Slug
$genset['subnav_categories_sort'] = post-title; // menu_order = Menu Order, post_title = Title, ID = ID, post_date = Date Created, post_modified = Date Modified, post_author = Author, post_name = Slug
$genset['subnav_depth'] = 0; // 0 = No Limit, 1, 2, 3, 4
$pages = array(1,2,3); //insert whatever page ids, slugs etc.
if (is_page($pages)) {
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