So recently, someone wanted to use menu descriptions as a tagline of sorts for a variety of pages, categories, archives, etc. instead of using basic metaboxes on pages (since this would also apply to category pages, etc.). So I wrote up a simple function that I believe may be helpful for others. So here is the code. To use, simply copy the function to your functions.php file and then use the function wherever you'd like.
function wps_get_menu_description( $args = array() ) {
global $post;
// Default
$defaults = array(
'echo' => false,
'format' => '',
'description' => '',
'location' => 'primary',
'classes' => 'post-description'
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $args , EXTR_SKIP );
// Get menu
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$nav_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_locations[ $location ] );
// Cycle through nav items
foreach ( $nav_items as $nav_item ) {
if ( ( is_page() || is_single() || is_archive() ) && ( $nav_item->object_id == $post->ID ) ) {
$description = $nav_item->description;
elseif ( ( is_category() ) && ( $nav_item->object == 'category' ) ) {
$cat = get_query_var( 'cat' );
if ( $nav_item->object_id == $cat )
$description = $nav_item->description;
// Get output formatting
if ( $format == 'html' )
$output = apply_filters( 'wps_get_menu_description_output' , '<div class="'. $classes .'">' . $description . '</div>' , $args );
$output = $description;
// Echo description
if ($echo)
echo $output;
// Return description
return $output;
To call the function, you just set the args in an array like this:
wps_get_menu_description( array('echo' => true, 'format'=>'html', 'classes' => 'post-info') );
With most frameworks, like Genesis/Thesis, you may need to call it like this (example reflects Genesis):
// Add and Customize a Tagline under the Page Title
add_action('genesis_after_post_title', 'my_tagline');
function my_tagline() {
wps_get_menu_description( array('echo' => true, 'format'=>'html', 'classes' => 'post-info') );
Word of Warning: Please check your descriptions, and do not assume that there is nothing there if you didn't put it there. Your theme or plugins may have inserted content there as I've seen the description contain the_content automagically.
Do you see anything that I missed? Is there something else that you wish was added?
David Decker says
Hi there! I tried to use this tutorial but didn’t work – I placed the setup function after init in functions.php and below that the caller function but nothing happens. I guess I have to place the caller somewhere else but where? Any help appreciated! – I just want to place some menu description for main nav, like defined in regular WP menu system. Thank you!
wpsmith says
Hello David,
If you are using Genesis, you still need to apply it to an add_action statement. So it would look something like this:
// Add and Customize a Tagline under the Page Title
add_action(‘genesis_after_post_title’, ‘my_tagline’);
function my_tagline() {
wps_get_menu_description( array(‘echo’ => true, ‘format’=>’html’, ‘classes’ => ‘post-info’) );
David Decker says
Thank you, works like a charm! Really cool way to display some additional info on some pages! Thanks for the nice tutorial and support! -Dave 🙂
Kirsten says
I’m trying to use this in my footer, and have added function code to my functions.php file, but when I go to call it in my footer.php file, nothing happens. Can you explain how to pair this with the wp_nav_menu function to display a certain menu in the footer? Also, I noticed that if I add ‘location’ => ‘footer’ to the args when calling wps_get_menu_description I get an error. The way around this is to just call my footer menu “primary”, but it would be nice to be able to change the menu to which this gets applied.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!